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Easy to quit jobs?

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20 March 2023

I quit my job.

What is the reason employees leave companies? There are various factors:

Bad bosses

Bad salary or hike

Bad colleagues

Bad work environment and group dynamics

Bad work culture

Bad location 

Bad incentives and welfare measures

Hence for job dissatisfaction, there are myriad external factors that interfere with our happiness and will to continue or not. Many of us have reached a situation where we are simply dragging ourselves to work or continuing to work, as we have no other jobs offered at hand. We are lethargic in our work and even though we spend 8 hours at work, our efficiency levels and motivation to contribute our best are laggard and on the slop side.

So the easiest way out is constant nagging and blaming others and everyone else for our problems and dissatisfaction. No one is infallible and our emotions keep changing over time. We are not gullible to such fanatics to draw conclusions and arrive at sudden decisions.

The gloomiest part is our boss, salary raise, work environment, colleague's behaviors and other factors can never be under our control and we may just be helpless to either carry on or move on to a new job.

The point is are you ready to surrender to be a slave to such situations trapped in the mesh of frustration and self-pity or be a master of your own happiness? To maintain our happiness and satisfaction levels, we need to have a strong internal locus of control, where we do not entertain external factors to disturb our peace and motivation.

Many of us lack the motivation to do our jobs, work has become a monotonous routine just for the heck of it. When we find our work interesting, we are naturally motivated and time just runs by. You may be working for hours on an assignment and never know when four hours pass by because you so deep inside into what you are doing and enjoying your tasks. Sometimes, we need to explore ways and mechanisms in which we can make our jobs more interesting, utilize our talents and skills to the optimum best and separate it from immediate results/reward or instant gratification. The workplace is business first, work comes before friendships or personal relations. When you are in your job and aligned with goals, the rest is immaterial.

Time and space have their own way of acknowledging one's contribution rather than gaining temporary pleasure from forced recognition. Motivation, excitement, and euphoria exist when you develop passion in what you do and re-kindle the flame of going out of the box, using creativity and smart work to achieve higher yardsticks. Being a run-of-the-mill is never enticing and we need to keep our motivation levels high, high enough to overlook the factors that would otherwise perturb us. Sometimes, even in our own families, and spouses we encounter problems and low times. But blaming others is futile, as we are in charge of our own happiness and satisfaction is an internal element, which when we conquer our minds, we can easily D-link from external sources.

Equanimity and tolerance are also great virtues when practiced over time, help us to be proactive, firmly grounded & gripped, composed rather than merely reactive about the situations we are into. Quitting jobs and hopping is an easy lucrative option, you never know when boredom & frustration of the same external factors may hit you again. Rather sailing through, developing your resilience and work essence in turbulent times, and evolving /growing against all odds is an accomplishment in itself.