Effective communication during challenging times

A comprehensive analysis of an Entrepreneur's view and an Employees point of view
Communication with Stakeholders during COVID -19 Crisis
With COVID-19 inevitably spreading at a faster pace than anticipated, the world is forced to sit in islands, markets are falling all around us in 2020 and the stock market is not kind either. The virus has affected human life and consumerism. From fast-food restaurant chains to luxury goods companies, fashion or retail with incomes badly hit, all are in dire need to turnaround operating models from brick to ‘Pick and Click’. Consumers do not want to risk their lives picking extra stuff, they walk their straight path to and from the groceries and back home.
Will the community ever have an appetite for large public gatherings after this deadly COVID-19 episode only time will reveal?
Companies need to manage their reputation and goodwill during the crisis stage. Your customers and employees, community at large want to know your tactic to navigate through the crisis. We care for you, your health, and your well-being is the message that is straight to STAKEHOLDERS, to restore faith and enable dealings. Therefore, it is sane to provide timely, realistic communications safeguarding the interest of stakeholders through these circumstantial changes to avoid skepticism and distrust.
1. Eliminate bureaucracy and enable a matrix style of functioning (Task-force)- In cases of lockdown, where momentum is stifled, it is wise to give autonomy in functioning to hasten the work process, rather than delaying enmeshed through cumbersome methods of approval –print and sign permissions. Float live digital file sharing basis to enable instant communication. Create organizational chat groups for speedy communications.
2. Communicate effectively with internal customers- A company is also judged by the way they tackle employees at times of catastrophe, its so easy to lay off and retrench than devise solutions to instill trust and confidence of employees.
Employees are inundated by the avalanche of information, eliminate the grapevine and demystify the situation. Set up the resilience to survive and thrive in the outbreak. Lead by compassion and adopt a humane approach candidly articulating.
the Company’s survival strategy and plan to ensure safety. Establish that human touch with employees who are on remote work.
If the company is forced to cut pays start top-down from the CEO to forgo a portion of his salary, then the top-level authorities, are sensitive to the survival of bottom-line employees.
Communicate facts, and be a healer and hope giver. Let communication be 2 ways via email, letters on remote working, travel and leave policies for their safety, health, and hygiene, etc. Reach out to every employee with a powerful message, and let your voice be visible to lend a ray of hope in troubled times.
3. Set External communication strategy- Resort to social media communication, Psychological branding, and advertising, set up FAQs on your website, send out assuring newsletters via constant contact, mail chimp applications to your client database, have interactive live web chat application to handle grievance and customer queries, delivery schedule tracking systems. You need to portray the precautionary measures that you have implemented to contain the pandemic.
The communication must deal with facts and not fiction.
With traditional walk-ins being reduced or still, the challenge of business is to set up online shopping user-friendly platforms to enable shopping and delivery of items to consumer-doorsteps. With movements restricted, people are flooding onto social sites and online media. Where online traffic is booming, there is a great opportunity for retailers to resort to online branding and advertising mediums to harness public attention and interest. Retailers and brands have a significant opportunity to direct traffic and sales via retailing on mobile and I-pads.
Every business need to portray that they are sanitizing their facilities and adopting all mechanism such as masks, and gloves while delivering products to consumers’ doorsteps to mitigate the paranoid feeling of accepting unknown hands, risk of infection spread taken care of, to win the ultimate trust and continuity with customers. More than physically, and psychologically the virus has crippled the mindset of people with sanity dependent on the sanitizing factor. No consumer wants luxury apparel delivered at the risk of their health and well-being.
4. Activate media Cell in place to reinforce public trust- Have an active spokesperson who is updating the media on the happenings around the organization, and conduct virtual press conferences, shareholder meetings, and webinars to avoid the spread of any misinformation. The public is in simple need of reassurance in any form.
5. Uplift your goodwill through CSR activities- As an altruistic Corporate citizen be part of a broader solution to the present crisis. Donate to the downtrodden or contribute to the disinfection drive for public safety. One can even assemble basic food supplies for the bottom-level staff so that their basic needs are taken care. Let your CSR policies be the cornerstone identity of your company brand.
Even employers tend to be misjudged by their staff labeling them frantically, rather blatantly when salaries are delayed or withheld for genuine reasons. You need to also extend support to your employer at times of crisis and patiently navigate through this phase.
Understanding intentions and reading between the lines are deeper skills than judging at the surface of it.
Where on the flip side most bosses are currently self-absorbed, an employee narrates “It was very sensitive of my current employer to present Dettol soaps and sanitizers for the employee’s families”. In this noble gesture, the message was in action, ‘I care for you and your family’s well-being’. A truly appreciate the gesture to support mankind.
Leading through turbulent times is a matter of might and resilience. Empathetic and sensitivity to dealing with the uncertainty of the present situation is a human facet. Ultimately, an organization is not solely judged by what they speak, but also by how they act. Show the company has a human side and boost your reputation by being supportive, discerning, and kind and reaching out to every stakeholder.