Making your home and living smarter with intelligent Home co

Imagine relaxing on a couch, fluctuating the water temperature for a wash, pre-heating your bathroom prior to use, and unlocking the doors through your phone; transforming our manner of living to be hassle-free and convenient.
With the development of wireless sensing technologies at home, automation is getting smarter and more intelligent, with occupancy/ vacancy sensors, motion sensors, time-clock schedulers, dimming controls, and daylight harvesting instantaneously sensing the premises of the room for turning the light on/off, controlling the brightness of the room and maintaining cooling temperature, etc.
Everything from illumination, Ventilation to electrical appliances to refrigeration can be controlled. Smart homes are not only limited to just turning on / off a device but also monitor the internal environment and create the desired ambiance for smooth functioning when the house is occupied. The aftermath of this technology infusion is that a smart home can now monitor occupant activities with occupancy sensors. Due to the IoT (Internet of Things), we’ve seen an escalation in devices that are automated within the home and can be controlled from any location through mobile apps, touchscreen interfaces, computer screens, and even with voice recognition status control.
To err is human, and it is a human tendency to forget to turn off the AC, lock the main gate, and switch off the lights. Such carelessness leads to futile wastage of electricity and creates tensions. Hence, in this fast-paced life, automatic smart control systems can help us save energy, provide safety from intruders as well as keep our homes safe when not in use.
Home automation areas:
• Lighting control & Ventilation control
• Alarm and security
• Surveillance and display- Intercom control
• Heating /Air conditioning
• Door locking /unlocking
• Audio-visual system control
• Water tank and pool controls
• Blinds and shutters control
Some of the renowned lighting control systems are DALI, 1-10V, DMX Digital Multiplex, complete automation protocols are Lutron, KNX, and Control 4.
Most of Smart Home solutions assuage issues revolving around comfort, security, health, and wellness. At the construction level, it requires a comprehensive design to introduce models of smart homes and automation. Homes could be fitted with IoT-driven facets such as clever sensors, meters, and switches; these rudiments offer more than just energy savings, to extent of witty monitoring of the entire home.
Fundamental areas where home automation can be implemented are:
Security: safety of your home is the prime concern and through mechanized door locks, you can bolt your entries/exits from any location for door /gates/shutters etc. You can also opt to be alerted each time someone enters your home, allowing you to interminably keep a tab on trespassing.
Electrical Devices: Wireless control of electrical devices will help you conserve electricity and maintain the whole home atmosphere prior your entry inside or when you are physically not present
Room temperature can get briskly & dynamically controlled such as when you arrive from work, your home’s interior temperature is pre-set to make you feel comfortable instantly.
Benefits of home automation:
Home automation is no longer complex technical stuff, but rather very user-friendly with the provision of an adaptable and flexible user interface, it empowers the user, diminishing the number of actions necessary to operate the home. The amalgamation of intelligence in electrical devices reduces the amount of strain and the work involved in maintaining a household. There are clear benefits of home automation that outweigh the cost. Firstly, we are provided greater comfort and convenience, improved safety and security and last a high level of control over operating costs i.e voltage.
Another imperative universal design feature in home automation systems is its wide-ranging benefits to old and sick members in the house, sinking the level of physical activity and mental alertness necessitated to maintain a home. It offers numerous benefits to people who are on busy schedules and are always on the move. It is beneficial to working individuals so that they can integrate the functioning systems of the home with communication at the workplace without much physical movement. And, it benefits families, particularly single-parent families, because many of the home automation features protect and upkeep the needs of children in their absence.
If you have bought or built a new villa, or a new apartment owner, then investing in the finest Home Automation and IoT-driven smart solutions is the wisest option as this trend is on an upward surge, catching up with the pace. In fact, smart solutions backed by IoT have become the order of the day not just in a residential applications, but also in prominent workplace spaces. You can work at the basic level of home automation, then upgrade subsequently.