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Millenials Gen Y- Curse or Boon?

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20 March 2023

In the corporate arena, there has been an advancement of millennials in the workforce. This generation has developed work characteristics and tendencies from doting parents, early intro to technology, structured lives, and contact with diverse people. 

Unfortunately, due to the generation gap, they are stereotyped as instant gratification seekers, selfish, glued to wi-fi & electronic devices, lack of respect for authority, easily bored types, or difficult to maintain with the one-fit approach in an organization.

In order to bust the common misconceptions, let me clarify the common traits to describe a millennial worker:

Highly Achievement Driven:

The millennials have a high achievement-oriented drive, always on the fast-track to achieve more. They are never satiated with status quo wanting to rise above a certain level in their performance. They are astute at multi-tasking juggling between responsibilities simultaneously.

On the flipside, this implies they are easily distracted and find social media and texting hard to resist. They may be writing an important mail while talking on phone, or replying to several messages. Or may be resting their legs on the desk, relaxing on a couch while working.


With social media craze and tech-savvy drive conspicuous in their genes they constantly pursue social pages to share, keep abreast with happening around and get information on finger tips. They are curious, inquisitive always google-ing to increase their knowledge and get on pace with how the world shares information fast & bold. This generation latch on to their devices. Growing up with technology, they have no apprehension while tapping its power to get more efficient or more productive.

An organizational culture that is less formal, rather flexible and relaxed, embraces enjoyment while working, with open communication lines, that promote sharing and innovation is a fertile climate for keeping Millennials engaged.


Millennials have a very low tolerance for manipulation and anything that is far from being genuine. Being open or frank in expressing themselves, they like people who are ‘be yourself’ candid types and they cling towards colleagues that treat each other with respectThey cooperate with bosses with whom they can connect/relate and who can align their talents with the broader goals of the organizations.

Breathing upon their necks, dictatorial orders is rather a mis-fit , as they rarely care to impress . If the work approach, is against their principles, they may candidly question back or retaliate flaring their contradicting opposing viewpoints. They strongly refute dogmatic approach in work.

They always look at the larger picture with a desire to contribute to a deep compelling vision. They work with purpose & passion, wanting their job profiles to be challenging, meaningful, contributing/benefiting the community, environment rather than just instruction based monotonous work.


Having wild enriched imaginations and foresight, Millennials want a variety of tasks and expect that they will accomplish, do justice to every one of them. Positive and confident, millennials are ready to take on every challenge and rise. When working in teams, they work well with a diverse, cross-cultural work force. They seek timely guidance and structure from senior and managerial workers but same time expect you to respect their ideas, contributions and space.

They like to network electronically, intermingle on sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn, and make new connections. Being sought after employees, they are loyal to those who can see their green side, but they keep their options open—always when trivialized. 

Career advancement:

Being upbeat about their careers with a high-achievement drive, they seek challenging tasks that get the best out of them. Boredom is not digested by them. They’re on the move for what’s happening next.

For them their career path must be shown clearly and also depict how they can progress optimally in the long term professional journey. In order to keep their momentum going they deserve professional encouragement, companies need to invest time and money in their competencies to leverage achievement of organizational goals. They're committed to furthering their careers and want perks, incentives, yearly promotions and title change as recognition and award to boost their performance even further. They have utmost regard for their way of living and health insurance plans, paid vacations and holidays when timely given, create more engagement in them.

Work-life balance:

Millennials truly care about their work, results, and outcomes beyond a paycheck & hence are willing to work hard for an employer who supports them. They tend to blur the lines between life and work, they're more willing than members of other generations to catch up on work even if it crosses into personal time, willing to work in their pajamas in home.

On the other hand, they also rebut deliberate encroachment into their personal territory and me space. They find it obtrusive when excessive work sabotages their personal commitments. They care for their families, their personal goals as much as they respect their work in the organization. They persuade organizations to be flexible and provide work-life balance to keep them going at their pace.

 Home, family, and spending time with the children and families, are priorities. To be candid, even taking their dog for a walk is a serious routine in their lives. Basically, they have care and ownership, and emotional/psychological attachment in what they do.

Companies can mull over flexible timing and work-from-home options, as they work best under minimal supervision, with a result-oriented approach. You could allow them to work on projects from home whenever possible or hours that are better suited to their lifestyle or productivity. Thanks to I-devices, they can essentially work whenever and wherever they prefer. They also need that quite me-time to introspect and re-charge themselves, may be in quiet room, a walk outdoors or just connecting with nature for a while.

Millenials value their happiness, a company that offers them a conducive platform to optimally perform & grow will reap the benefits of their loyalty in the long-run.